Clay Load Out Policy

Clay Load Out Contractor Communication Policy

March 26, 2018


Sylvania Minerals


Re:  Clay Load Out Contractor Communication Policy


Training and Administration

  1. Provide MSHA Contractor ID.
  2. Site Manager must be designated.
  3. Miner’s Representative must be designated if applicable.
  4. Part 46 Training Plan required. Plan provided to Sylvania Minerals Plant Manager/Safety Coordinator for review.
  5. 5000‐23 Forms for all employees. Copies provided to Sylvania Minerals Plant Manager/Safety Coordinator.
  6. Review minimum PPE for all on‐site personnel. PPE standards reviewed with Clay Load Out Contractor by Plant Manager/Safety Coordinator.
  7. Emergency Contact List provided to Plant Manager/Safety Coordinator.
  8. Review immediate notification for injury or property damage; orientation and reviewed by Plant Manager/Safety Coordinator.
  9. Daily Workplace Examination List. Mandatory requirement available for inspection.
  10. Weekly Safety Meetings – required and documentation provided to the Plant Manager/Safety Coordinator.
  11. Part 47, Written HAZCOM Plan.
  12. SDS for all regulated materials.
  13. Task Training for all employees.
  14. Fire Extinguishers.
  15. Sign – In and Sign – Out Book. Maintained by Clay Load Out Contractor.
  16. Site Specific Hazard Training provided by Plant Manager/Safety Coordinator.
  17. HAZCOM Spill Kits must be on‐site.
  18. No Firearms, alcohol or controlled substances on property.
  19. Blasting – Separate training session to review blasting procedures.
  20. All electrical equipment and power tools brought to the job site must be ground tested and recorded.
  21. Stripping Contractor to provide written procedure for removal of stuck equipment. All equipment and materials must comply with 30 CFR Part 56/57.
  22. All mobile equipment must be equipped with white noise back up alarms.



  1. Vendor list must be provided to Sylvania Minerals site management.
  2. Vendors may not be on site unattended.
  3. Vendors must sign in and out with Sylvania Minerals Main Office and receive authorization to enter property.
  4. Vendors must comply with all PPE requirements.


Employee Parking

  1. Employee Parking Area – We will designate an area for employee vehicles.
  2. Safe Area: This area must be specifically identified with physical markers.




Equipment Staging

  1. All trucks must tarp at the designated truck tarp area. All trucks must be tarped prior to the scale.  Drivers may not exit vehicles past scale area.
  2. All trailers or portable buildings must comply with all health and safety standards. Designated Safe Area.
  3. Equipment must be parked and chocked with all implements grounded and all parking and locking devices in the park position when left unattended.
  4. Wheel chocking must be accomplished by a physical berm or mechanical means for unattended vehicles.
  5. Clay Load Out Contractor to prepare designated parking area to accommodate all equipment.
  6. Clay Load Out Contractor is responsible for site sanitation, which includes covered containers (metal) and disposal of environmentally controlled items.
  7. Portable toilets are the responsibility of the Clay Load Out Contractor and must be maintained in a sanitary and acceptable standard.
  8. Equipment services to be conducted in the equipment staging area. (Breakdown not included)
  9. Storage building for on‐site consumables must comply with MSHA safety and health standards.



Roads and Travel ways

  1. Proper signage for direction of travel, traffic patterns, speed limits and any other hazards present.
  2. Stop and Yield where appropriate.
  3. Berms that meet the minimum standard are not acceptable. Berms must be functional.



  1. Operators/drivers cannot exit equipment while being loaded or at any dump site location.
  2. Operators/drivers cannot end dump over the edge. All material must be pushed.




  1. Clay Load Out Contractor must control roadway fugitive dust emissions at all times. Contractor may use a dust control agent (chloride) or utilize a water truck.  Clay Load Out Contractor must stop operations if fugitive dust emissions cannot be controlled.
  2. Clay Load Out Contractor is responsible to clean all roadway track out associated with the clay hauling operation. Roadway track out is generally cleaned by contract sweeper truck.
  3. All petroleum products will be stored in appropriate containment. Fuels and oils must be stored in approved double wall containers.
  4. Spill kits will be maintained on‐site.
  5. Sufficient controls will be used to reduce fugitive emissions on roadways and during loading of materials. Responsibility of the contractor.
  6. No Hazardous Materials will be delivered or utilized on site without prior approval by Sylvania Minerals.
  7. Solid waste shall be kept in appropriate containers i.e.: dumpster.